Support for Commercial and
Business Members

As a member-owned energy services co-op, being part of local economic development is a basic element of our commitment to our communities. Much has changed since the Co-op's beginning in 1939. Today the Co-op's purpose has evolved to include participation in financing community projects, through our access to loan and grant programs funded through our primary financial sources.

WEC's Board of Directors have approved several community projects in central Vermont during the past decade. In both cases, acting on behalf of the project participants, WEC has been granted interest free loans from the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) which have been passed through to the project owners.

The loan and grant programs are competitively bid, and the funding appropriation and requirements are subject to change. Each project must demonstrate a strong business plan which is both financial and qualitative in nature. The project must pass several levels of analysis and due diligence first by the local division of the RUS and ultimately in Washington, DC.

Co-op staff will assist prospective projects with review of loan and grant options and obligations, and technical assistance with business plans. Contact us.

Also see: USDA's Rural Development

Washington Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 8, Route 14
East Montpelier, Vermont 05651
Telephone: (802) 223-5245 Fax: (802) 223-6780
Toll Free: 1-800-932-5245

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